We've done this magical window projection show at a Wedding Reception Party.
The show peformed at Grand Hyatt Tokyo on 22 March.
Opening Sequence, Profile Introduction:
Tatsuro Ogata
Variety Movies, Conversion;
Satoru Imai
Ending & Credit Sequences:
Naojiro Yasui
Tohru Mitsuhashi
BenQ SH940 x 3 (5760x1080)
4000 lumens
Mac Pro + Promise Pegasus2
Some Cinema 4D Screens below;
This time we've used MadMapper to mapping very wide movie to the window with three bright FHD projectors.
MadMapper is very useful to adjust distortions precisely.
Another shots;
*2013 Late Mac Pro is not supported 3 simultaneous HDMI connections so we've used a Thunderbolt-Dsub Adapter in addition to two HDMI connections. (and one Displayport for the operation)

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